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Jumat, 01 November 2013


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Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Membandingkan Naruto, One Piece, Bleach & Fairy Tail

1. One Piece

- Memiliki cerita dan tema yang paling menarik dan terbilang paling unik diantara ke-tiga Anime 
yang lain. Ceritanya penuh misteri yang belum terpecahkan dan membuat para penggemar semakin
- Memiliki dunia yang sangat luas, paling luas diantara ke-tiga Anime yang lain
- Tokoh-tokoh dalam One Piece sangatlah unik, karena memiliki bentuk dan ukuran tubuh yang tidak
normal, dan juga tokoh-tokohnya sangatlah bervariasi, mulai dari manusia biasa, manusia ikan,
manusia langit, cyborg, bayi raksasa dll.
- Meskipun versi Animenya sudah mencapai epiode 500-an dan Manganya sudah mencapai 600-an,
namun ceritanya masih sangat menarik untuk diikuti.
- Memiliki humor yang khas.
- Pada komik One Piece, terdapat bagian SBS, dimana para pembaca dapat bertanya langsung pada
si pembuat yaitu Eichiro Oda, Komik One Piece adalah komik yang terlaris didunia nyata.
- Memiliki efek pertarungan yang bagus.

- Hampir tidak ada

2. Naruto

- Memiliki cerita yang menarik, dari chapter 1 sampai sekarang memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat
dan memiliki cerita yang sulit ditebak, membuat penggemar semakin penasaran.
- Naruto memiliki hal-hal yang bercirikan Jepang banget, mulai dari Nama tokoh, nama tempat,
Legenda, Jurus-jrusnya, tradisi dll.
- Penokohan setiap karakter sangatlah dalam (dapet banget), jadi setiap karakter bener-bener
memiliki fell-nya masing-masing.
- Terdapat banyak pelajaran, terutama tentang moral, kehidupan yang diajarkan dalam Anime
ini. Memiliki referensi yang banyak di internet (masih lebih banyak dibandingkan One Piece,Fairy Tail dan Bleach).
- Komik Naruto adalah komik yang terlaris di dunia Maya.

- Sebenarnya memiliki dunia yang luas seperti One Piece, namun menurut saya kurang di-explore
- Pada versi Animenya, naruto terlalu banyak menayangkan cerita yang tidak penting (tidak
nyambung dengan cerita aslinya).
- Si peran utama, yaitu Naruto sendiri memiliki porsi yang kurang daripada Sasuke dalam penayangan
- Versi anime Naruto di Pertelevisian Indonesia, sering diulang-ulang.
- Banyak fans yang memprediksi kejadian-kejadian dan menempatkannya di Internet, jadi banyak
fans naruto yang lain percaya, padahal karangan tersebut hanya karangan sesame fans yang belum
tentu benar.
- Kualitas gambar naruto di Animenya masih kurang bagus dibanding dengan ke-tiga Anime yang
- Dan saya yakin banyak penggemar Anime Naruto lebih menyukai cerita Sasuke daripada Nauro
sendiri, yang notabene adalah peran utama Anime ini.

3. Fairy Tails

- Memiliki tema yang menarik, yaitu tentang penyihir.
- Banyak disuguhi pertarungan-pertarungan yang seru, meskipun efeknya tidak sebagus One Piece.
- Memiliki porsi humor yang lebih banyak dibanding One Piece.
- Sangat banyak pelajaran yang dapat diambil dari Anime ini, dan terdapat banyak kata-kata mutiara yang
terlontar dari mulut tokoh Fairy Tail dibanding ketiga Anime yang lain

- Paling banyak menyuguhkan adegan-adegan semi-semi porno (tetapi tidak sampai vulgar).
- Kebanyakan pakaian-pakaian wanita pada Fairy Tail sangat minim dan ketat.
- Sekarang versi Anime Fairy Tail sudah tidak ditayangkan di Indonesia lagi.

4. Bleach

- Memiliki kualitas gambar yang paling bagus diantara ke-tiga Anime yang lain.
- Efek pertarungannya paling bagus dari pada ke-tiga Anime diatas.
- Banyak pelajaran juga yang dapat diambil dari Anime ini.
- Dari segi cerita sangat bagus

- Sumber referensi untuk Bleach di Internet juga masih kurang.

READ MORE - Membandingkan Naruto, One Piece, Bleach & Fairy Tail

Mobil-Mobil dalam Grand Theft Auto 5

Apa itu Grand Theft Auto 5?

Kecuali Agan berada di dalam gua selama beberapa pekan terakhir, Agan pasti sudah tahu bahwa Grand Theft Auto 5 atau GTA 5 atau GTAV sudah dipasarkan. Seperti yang diimplikasikan namanya, itu adalah versi kelima dari game yang sangat sukses, dengan game baru yang menjanjikan isi yang lebih besar, lebih baik dan lebih brutal dari sebelumnya.
Ada banyak alasan bagi kesuksesan Grand Theft Auto, namun yang paling utama adalah game ini memiliki sebuah kombinasi gameplay yang kuat, lingkungan yang lebih terbuka, alur cerita yang memikat dan akal yang super.

Apa pendapat orang mengenai Grand Theft Auto 5?

Tingkat liputan media yang didedikasikan untuk Grand Theft Auto 5 hampir belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Pada malam sebelum perilisannya, game ini dibahas di BBC Radio 4! Apakah itu artinya video game akhirnya melintasi perpecahan sosial? Ulasan-ulasan mengenai game itu isinya semua positif:
IGN – “luar biasa mengasyikkan – 10/10”;
Guardian – “dibuat dengan sangat matang – 5/5”;
Edge – “sebuah prestasi yang luar biasa – 10/10”;
CVG – “mengagumkan – 10/10”;
Telegraph – “puncak perkembangan video game open-world – 5/5.”
Sudah pasti, jika Grand Theft Auto 5 adalah sebuah film, game itu akan kebanjiran nominasi Oscar...

Apa yang menjadi pemikiran dasar bagi Grand Theft Auto 5?

Para penggemar Grand Theft Auto akan dipastikan menemukan pemikiran dasar dalam game tersebut tetap tidak berubah. Game itu masih berpusat pada pemain yang menyelesaikan misi dan sejumlah karakter utama – dalam hal ini, Trevor, Michael dan Franklin.
Namun aspek game “dunia terbuka” itulah yang paling mengesankan. Kemampuan untuk hanya berjalan-jalan di sekitar “dunia” yang luas, kurang lebih melakukan apa saja yang Anda sukai. “Dunia” di GTA5 dikabarkan lebih besar dibandingankan dengan semua dunia game GTA sebelumnya digabungkan. Anda bisa benar-benar tersesat secara harfiah dalam game itu...

Bagaimana dengan mobil-mobil dalam Grand Theft Auto 5?

Secara alami kendaraan adalah bagian besar dalam pesona game itu. Ada banyak mobil-mobil – replika dan model-model yang dibuat sangat mirip dengan mobil aslinya. Bagian yang menyenangkannya adalah menemukan berbagai jebis mobil dan mencoba menebak berdasarkan dari jenis mobil apa model-model itu dibuat.
Dan bukan hanya mobil. Agan bisa menggunakan apa saja mulai dari sepeda gunung hingga superbike atau helikopter hingga pesawat jumbo jet. Dunia berada di tangan Agan.

Mobil jenis apa yang bisa kita dapat dalam Grand Theft Auto 5?

Grand Theft Auto 5 membuat Anda bisa menggunakan smarthphone in-game Anda menangkap gambar apa pun yang Anda lihat saat Anda berjalan-jalan di sekeliling Los Santos dan sekitarnya yang meliputi San Andreas.
Pada akhirnya,ada beberapa ulasan tentang mobil-mobil yang dapat ditemukan dan diperkirakan akan Agan lihat pada game ini...

Berikut ini beberapa penampakan dari mobil-mobil yang muncul dan dapat ditemui pada Grand Theft Auto 5

1. Mitsubishi Eclipse apa Audi TT..??

Pada pandangan pertama Agan bisa saja salah mengira bahwa mobil itu adalah Audi TT, namun kemungkinan besar itu adalah Mitsubishi Eclipse yang dirakit di Amerika. Lambang yang berbentuk segitiga itu yang menjadi petunjuknya.

2. Bugatti Veyron Super Sport

Agan harus kagum dengan keberanian para pengembang GTA 5, lambang “T” di bagian belakang Truffade Adder itu sangat jelas meniru lambang Bugatti.
Apa Agan yakin sepenuhnya,mobil polisi di belakangnya memiliki kesempatan untuk mengejar replika Veyron itu...

3. Chrysler Crossfire

Jeremy Clarkson mengatakan beberapa hal yang buruk mengenai model rancangan Chrysler Crossfire, tapi lihatlah, mobilnya berhasil masuk ke dalam Grand Theft Auto 5.

4. Audi R8

Benar-benar tidak diragukan lagi, itu adalah sebuah Audi R8 Spyder.
Dan apakah itu hasil pengecatan Ipanema Braun yang trendi?

5. Dodge Viper

Bukan San Andreas jika tidak ada sebuah Dodge Viper. Bergaya hidup mewah...

6. Oldsmobile 442

Bagian belakang mobil ini jelas terlihat seperti Oldsmobile – tipe 442 lebih tepatnya.

7. Jaguar F-Type...??

Tidak terlalu yakin untuk jenis yang satu ini, tapi kemungkinan ada lebih dari sedikit tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan ini adalah tiruan Jaguar F-Type.
Atau Agan berbeda pendapat mengenai jenis mobilnya...??

8. Maserati GranTurismo

Mobil itu jelas-jelas menampilkan Maserati di seluruh bagiannya walaupun bukan secara harfiah, karena itu akan menyebabkan para pengacara menuntut mereka.
Rangka lampu belakangnya yang bergaya 1970-an cukup keren...

9. Lamborghini Murcielago and Pagani Zonda

Di bagian depan adalah sebuah Lamborghini, di belakang jelas-jelas adalah sebuah Zonda. Sebuah kombinasi yang hebat.
Apakah itu cara polisi mengejar pengemudinya?

10. Chevrolet Chevelle

Ada sebuah tema yang berkembang dalam sebagian besar gambar-gambar itu, sepertinya selalu saja ada seorang anggota tim penegak hukum di suatu tempat di latar belakangnya. Biasanya dalam sebuah helikopter.
Ya, inilah GRAND THEFT Auto!

11. Chevrolet Caprice Estate

Mobil ini bisa dikatakan sebagai mobil favorit, banyak hal yang membuat gamers menyukainya. Coba lihat nama yang tertera di bagian pintu bagasinya – humor klasik GTA.
Jika National Lampoon dibuat menjadi Grand Theft Auto, itu akan menjadi mobil yang dikemudikan oleh Chevy Chase...

12. Lotus Elise apa Porsche Boxster..??

Apakah ada sedikit model Lotus yang terlihat dalam mobil itu? Mungkin dengan sedikit menggabungkan gaya Porsche Boxter..
Dan apakah itu sebuah Honda Accord yang mengejarnya?

13. Mercedes-Benz AMG Black Series..??

Kemungkinan yang terlihat seperti beberapa gabungan model Mercedes AMG Black Series dan terciptalah mobil monster ini.
Ada yang tau barangkali Gan...??

14. Fisker or Tesla

Kemungkinan ada beberapa pengaruh dalam mobil ini, walaupun bisa diketahui bahwa itu adalah sebuah mobil elektrik.
Grand Theft Auto memiliki hati nurani? Tidak juga.. sebuah mobil elektrik bisa membuat Agan menyelinap diam-diam di sepanjang jalan Los Santos...

15. Aston Martin Vantage

Pria yang berada dalam “Aston Martin Vantage” itu tampak menabrak banyak benda-benda.

16. Cheetah (multiple influences)

Pada akhirnya, Cheetah adalah sebuah ikon Grand Theft Auto.
Itu adalah gambar aksi drift yang bagus... 
READ MORE - Mobil-Mobil dalam Grand Theft Auto 5

7 Lagu Rock yang Bisa Menambah Galau

Saat seseorang merasa gundah dan galau, mereka akan mencari cara agar mood-nya kembali baik. Contohnya, nongkrong bersama sahabat, berolahraga, atau mendengarkan musik rock. Ya, musik rock kerap menjadi obat galau bagi sebagian orang karena beat-nya yang cepat sekaligus liriknya yang bikin semangat lagi. Namun apa jadinya jika lagu rock tersebut justru bikin seseorang semakin galau? Sebaiknya jangan dengarkan 7 lagu ini jika tujuan Anda mendengarkan musik rock adalah untuk menghilangkan perasaan galau. Yuk simak!

1. My Immortal
adalah salah satu hits andalan band rock asal Amerika, Evanscence. Amy Lee menyanyikan lagu ini dengan penuh penghayatan hingga mampu membuat pendengarnya larut, bahkan menangis. Lagu ini bercerita tentangcseseorang yang merasa sakit hati telah dikhianati. Namun orang tersebut tak mampu melupakan pasangan yang sudah tega menyakitinya.

2. The Spirit Carries On 
Band progresif metal macam Dream Theater, yang terkenal dengan lagu-lagu nya ternyata juga jago bikin galau. Salah satu bukti kejagoan mereka tampak di lagu , yang notabene bertempo pelan. Raungan gitar John Petrucci seolah mengawal setiap telinga yang mendengarnya turut merasakan emosi di lagu ini. Bahkan untuk mereka yang awam dengan Dream Theater sekalipun. Lagu ini secara umum bercerita tentang kehidupan seseorang. Di mana muncul keyakinan, bahwa saat seseorang telah meninggal, jiwanya akan selalu hidup.

3. No Distance Left To Run 
Berani dengerin lagu ini setelah putus dengan pasangan? Jika iya, bersiaplah karena rasa galaumu akan semakin parah. adalah lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh band rock asal Inggris, Blur , yang bercerita tentang kekesalan seseorang setelah tak lagi berhubungan dengan kekasihnya. Lirik yang 'polos', sound minimalis, dan penghayatan sang vokalis, Damon Albarn menjadikan lagu ini sempurna untuk didengarkan oleh para . Berani?

4. Creep
Aneh jika seseorang yang mendengar lagu ini tidak ikut merasa sedih. Pasalnya, lirik lagu ini begitu kental dengan keputusasaan. Spesifiknya, lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh Radihoead ini adalah tentang seorang pria yang begitu menyukai wanita pujaannya. Namun merasa tidak pede dengan kekurangan-kekurangan yang ia miliki. Bahkan tega menyebut dirinya seseorang yang (menakutkan).

5. Here Without You 
Satu lagi lagu rock yang punya kadar galau tinggi, . Lagu yang dibawakan oleh grup band 3 Doors Down ini bercerita tentang seseorang yang tak lagi bersama kekasihnya (LDR). Lagu ini begitu kental dengan nuansa rock dan orkestra. Meskipun begitu, tetap saja rasa 'galau'-nya juga begitu kuat.

6. Dear God 
Dibalik wajah sangar dan tato-tato yang menghiasi tubuh mereka, para personel Avenged Sevenfold ternyata juga bisa galau dan menulis lagu. Hasilnya? Lagu . Bercerita tentang kerinduan seseorang kepada kekasihnya, lagu ini begitu kental dengan kegalauan. Meski begitu, Avenged Sevenfold tak ingin terdengar terlalu cengeng. Distorsi gitar dan suara khas vokalisnya, M. Shadows, masih mewakili bagaimana musik rock seharusnya terdengar.

7. Miss You Love
Satu lagi, lagu rock galau yang bercerita tentang kerinduan seseorang kepada kekasihnya, . Lewat judulnya saja, cerita lagu ini sudah terbaca bukan? Silverchair adalah pihak yang paling bertanggung jawab jika Anda akhirnya menjadi begitu galau setelah mendengar lagu ini. Mereka berhasil mengemas lagu 'cengeng' dengan balutan musik rock yang kental.

READ MORE - 7 Lagu Rock yang Bisa Menambah Galau

Senin, 23 September 2013

Lirik Lagu Konomi Suzuki and Kiba of Akiba - Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui + MP3

Description: Opening Theme
By Konomi Suzuki and Kiba of Akiba

Wa- mou ii desu sou iu no!

Kyou mo 
Onaji ichinichi ga hajimaru 
Dare yori mo hito no me wo ki ni shite 
"Jissai kawaii hi mo aru yo? Kanchigai ja nai shi"

"Mushi ka yo..."

Ano toki no kimochi ga 
Kawatte shimau no ga kowakute 
"Waiwai wa kirai na no issho ni saretaku nai shi"

Sonna bokura wo mushi shite 
"Ikite ikou!" to osshatteru 
"Yasashiku sarete choudo ii"

I'm on my way to finding my way. 
Kenage na no sasshiro ya!

Yume no nai jidai yo me wo samashite 
Watashi ga moteru mirai made kono sekai wo yurusanai 
Moteta mono wa enryousei kore ijou wa enryousei 
Muda na teikou wa yamete 
Horero horero horero horero 
Motero motero motero motero

Subete ga kawaru mirai de aou

Watashi ga motenai no wa dou kangaetemo omaera ga warui!


This is a song of hope, 
for those who feel loneliness. 
What can they do for the future, 
those who never knew this sorrow.


Minna ga suki dakara tadashii to ka 
Sou iu no yamero ya

Urusai jidai yo chotto damette 
Watashi ga moteru mirai made nanimo suru ki ga okoranai 
Sawagu mono wa enryosei hatsugen ni mo ki wo tsukei 
Kanashii me ni kidzuite

I'm on my way to finding my way. 
Kenage na no sasshiro ya!

Yume no nai jidai yo me wo samashite 
Watashi ga moteru mirai made kono sekai wo yurusanai 
Moteta mono wa enryousei kore ijou wa enryousei 
Watashi wa koko ni iru yo!

Horero horero horero horero 
Motero motero motero motero

Subete ga kawaru mirai de aou

N~ 1 2 3 4!

Watashi ga motenai no wa dou kangaetemo omaera ga warui!





「わいわいは嫌いなの 一緒にされたくないし」 

「優しくされて ちょうどいい」 

I\'m on my way to finding my way. 

夢のない時代よ 目を覚まして 
私がモテる未来まで この世界を赦さない 
モテた者は遠慮せい これ以上は遠慮せい 
ホレろ ホレろ ホレろ ホレろ 
モテろ モテろ モテろ モテろ 




This is a song of hope, 
for those who feel loneliness. 
What can they do for the future, 
those who never knew this sorrow. 


みんなが好きだから 正しいとか 

うるさい時代よ ちょっと黙って 
私がモテる未来まで 何もする気が起こらない 
騒ぐ者は遠慮せい 発言にも気をつけい 

I\'m on my way to finding my way. 

夢のない時代よ 目を覚まして 
私がモテる未来まで この世界を赦さない 
モテた者は遠慮せい これ以上は遠慮せい 

ホレろ ホレろ ホレろ ホレろ 
モテろ モテろ モテろ モテろ 

ん~ 1 2 3 4! 


English Translation

Aaaaah, that's it, no more!

Today, again 
A day begins like any other 
I feel the gaze of others more than anyone else does 
"There really are days when I'm cute? I don't think I'm wrong there..."

"Have I been ignored?"

I'm afraid 
Of my feelings from then changing 
"I hate those noisy people, I don't want to be with them"

People like us are ignored, 
Always being told to "Live on!" 
"Just being kind to us would be fine"

I'm on my way to finding my way. 
Find your way to be courageous!

This is an era without dreams - open your eyes! 
I won't accept this world until I make it to a future where I'm popular 
Popular people, back off, you've had enough, back off 
Stop it with such a useless opposition 
Fall for me, fall for me, fall for me, fall for me 
Make me popular, make me popular, make me popular, make me popular

We'll meet in a future where everything has changed

No matter how I look at it, it's you guys' fault I'm not popular!


This is a song of hope, 
for those who feel loneliness. 
What can they do for the future, 
those who never knew this sorrow.


Stop saying the "right" things, 
Like, "Because I love everyone"

This is such an obnoxious era, shut up a bit 
I won't feel like slacking until I make it to a future where I'm popular 
Back off, cheerful people, be careful what you say 
Notice my sad eyes

I'm on my way to finding my way. 
Find your way to be courageous!

This is an era without dreams - open your eyes! 
I won't accept this world until I make it to a future where I'm popular 
Popular people, back off, you've had enough, back off 
Stop it with such a useless opposition

Fall for me, fall for me, fall for me, fall for me 
Make me popular, make me popular, make me popular, make me popular

We'll meet in a future were everything has changed

Mmm~ 1 2 3 4!

No matter how I look at it, it's you guys' fault I'm not popular! 
READ MORE - Lirik Lagu Konomi Suzuki and Kiba of Akiba - Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui + MP3

Lirik Lagu Luna Haruna - Overfly + MP3

Description: 2nd Ending Theme
Lyrics by Saku
Composed and Arranged by Saku
Performed by Haruna Luna

Takaku takaku  kono te wo nobashite
Kitto kitto tte mou ichido negau kara

Tomedonai omoi wa  nichijou ni nomarete
Yurameki nagara mata katachi wo kaeteitta

Soredemo kono sekai de ikiru imi sagashite
Mayoi tachidomari kizutsuite wa namida suru

Imasara mou osoi kana? Henji no nai jimon jitou
Subete wa sou jibun shidai owari mo hajimari mo

Takaku takaku  kono te wo nobashite
Yasashii hikari wo mezashite habataku yo
Kokoro ni tomoshita jounetsu wo daite
Kitto kitto tte mou ichido negau kara

Takanaru kono kodou ni kizukanai furishite
Tsuyogari no egao itsunomanika umaku natta

Kazoekirenai hodo egaita
Kibou ni michita ano mirai wa
Kono omoi to urahara ni  mata sukoshi iroaseta

Tsuyoku tsuyoku  nigitta kono te ga
Hakanaku hodokeru sadame da toshite mo
Kokoro ni nokotta tashika na kioku de
Zutto zutto tte  tsunagatteireru kara

Fureru koto no dekinai
Chikakute tooi kyori wo
Umeraretara tte
Nijimu sora wo mita...

Takaku takaku  kono te wo nobashite
Yasashii hikari wo mezashite habataku yo
Kokoro ni tomoshita jounetsu wo daite
Kitto kitto tte
Nando mo negau kara


高く高く この手を伸ばして
きっと きっと ってもう一度願うから

とめどない想いは 日常に飲まれて


今さらもう遅いかな? 返事のない自問自答
すべてはそう自分次第 終わりも始まりも

高く高く この手を伸ばして
きっと きっと ってもう一度願うから

高鳴るこの鼓動に 気づかないフリして
つよがりの笑顔 いつのまにかうまくなった

この想いと裏腹に また少し色褪せた

強く強く 握ったこの手が
ずっとずっと って 繋がっていれるから


高く高く この手を伸ばして
きっと きっと って
READ MORE - Lirik Lagu Luna Haruna - Overfly + MP3

Lirik Lagu Tomatsu Haruka - YUME SEKAI + MP3

Description: Ending Theme
Singer: Tomatsu Haruka
Lyrics: Furuya Shin
Composition: Minamida Kengo
Arrangement: Furukawa Takahiro

Itsu kara kono mune de yureteru hikari Tebanashitaku wa nai 
Toomawari shitemo Tsumazuitemo koko ni 
Zutto Zutto Hikatteru

Tooku ni kikoeta kane no oto ga sukoshi sabishikute 
Mou ichido tsuyoku kondo wa takaku kake nuketa

Tada kuri kaesu genjitsu mo hoshi no kazu no negai koto mo 
Mezasu beki asu wo mitsuketa Kono omoi ni wa Katenai

Me no mae ni hirakareta hate nai sekai Tatoe yume demo ii 
Mayoi tsuzukete mo mune no oku de tsuyoku zutto zutto hibiiteku

Osanai RIBON wo suteta yoru kara mita yume wa 
Kagayaita machi de risou no hibi wo okutteta

Kizutsukanai basho mezashite tsubasa bakari motometa kedo 
Kono senaka ni tada hitotsu mamoru mono ga areba ii

Sukoshi zutsu azayaka ni irodoru sekai kanjita mama de ii 
Hohoemi no iro mo meguri ai no iro mo motto motto kawatteku

Kotae ga nakute Mezasou toshite 
Kirei janakute Akiramenakute 
Watashi mo kitto Kono sekai to niteru shinji tsuzuketeru

Atarashii namida de miete kita mirai kowagaranakute ii 
Kokoro no itami to sagashiteta keshiki wa kitto kitto kasanaru

Kagiri naku 
Me no mae ni hirakareta hate nai sekai 
Tatoe yume demo ii 
Mayoi tsuzukete mo mune no oku de tsuyoku 
Zutto zutto hibiiteku

Zutto zutto hibiiteru...

Sotto sotto hikatteru...


いつからかこの胸で揺れてる光 手放したくはない 
遠回りしても 躓いてもここに 
ずっと ずっと 光ってる… 


目指すべき明日を見つけた この想いには勝てない 

目の前に開かれた果てない世界 たとえ仮想(ゆめ)でもいい 




答えが無くて 目指そうとして 
綺麗じゃなくて 諦めなくて 





English Translation

I wonder when it was that I didn't want to let go of the flickering light in my heart. 
Even if I take the long way, even if I trip, 
It is always, always shining here.

The sound of the bell I heard faraway was a bit lonely, 
And made me a bit stronger, and this time I jump up higher.

That reality that just repeats and the countless wishes on stars 
Cannot win against these feelings that I should aim for the tomorrow I found.

It doesn't matter if this world that opened in front of me is just a dream 
Even if I continue to wander, it will echo strongly and deep in my heart, forever and ever.

Ever since the night that I threw away the childish ribbon, the dream that I saw was 
Me having spent ideal days in a town that sparkled.

I just kept searching for wings in order to aim for a place I would not be hurt, 
But it would OK if I had just one thing protecting my back.

It's all right to color this world little by little gracefully with your colors, just how you wish. 
The colors of smiles and chance meetings will change even more and more.

Without an answer, it aims for something, 
But it's not pretty and clean, so it's not able to give up, 
I continue to believe that I am surely similar to this world.

It's OK not to fear the future you see through your new tears. 
The pain in your heart and the scenery you searched for will surely, surely overlap.

Without limits 
It doesn't matter if this world that opened in front of me 
Is just a dream. 
Even if I continue to wander, 
It will echo strongly and deep in my heart, forever and ever.

Forever, forever echoing...

Softly, softly shining...
READ MORE - Lirik Lagu Tomatsu Haruka - YUME SEKAI + MP3

Lirik Lagu Eir Aoi - INNOCENCE + MP3

Description: OP2
Lyrics by Eir and Shigenaga Ryousuke
Composed by Shigenaga Ryousuke
Arranged by Shigenaga Ryousuke and Shimokamo Kaiyo
Performed by Aoi Eir

Kakushiteta kanjou ga himei o ageteru tashika na chikai o te ni 

Kiseki dake o motome  kienai yami o samayou 
Koko ni ireba nidoto  mirai mirugoto dekinai 

Koyoi mo tsuki ga sasotte  mada kotoba dasenai kedo 
Kokoro no naka sakebi tsuzuketa 

Kakushiteta kanjou ga himei o ageteru tashika na chikai o te ni 
Ato honno sukoshi dake tsuyoku nareta nara 
Me no mae ni aru kono sora koete yuku kara 
Kono saki ni aru mirai ni te o nobasu kara 

Sunao na koe hibiite  hayaru mune no takanari 
Kimi ga egaita chizu ni  yume no arika o sagasu 

Kumoma ni sashikomu hikari kasuka ni hashiru kono itami 
Ano sora ni mata tobitateta nara 

Hateshinaku hirogatta sumiwataru sekai mabushisa ni me o hisome 
Shinjirareru tsuyosa o mune ni daitara 
Kumo hitotsu nai kono sora tobimawaru kara 

Nakusu mono wa nani mo nai  furueru yubi nigirishime 
Kimi no muku na egao dake o yakitsuke 

Owaranai EPISOODO no hate ni tsukametara 
Kimi to no omoi ga ima 
Osanaki hi no kakera o tsunagi irodotte 
Futari de egaita kokoro no kiseki tadoru kara 

Kakushiteta kanjou ga hime o agetara tashika na chikai o te ni 
Ato honno sukoshi dake tsuyoku naretara 
Me no mae ni aru kono sora koete yuku kara 

Kono saki ni aru mirai ni te o nobasu kara


隠してた感情が悲鳴を上げてる 確かな誓いを手に 

奇跡だけを求め 消えない闇を彷徨う 
ここにいれば二度と 未来見る事出来ない 

今宵も月が誘って まだ言葉出せないけど 

隠してた感情が悲鳴を上げてる 確かな誓いを手に 
目の前にあるこの空 越えてゆくから 

素直な声響いて はやる胸の高鳴り 
君が描いた地図に 夢の在処(ありか)を探す 

雲間に射し込む光 微かに走るこの痛み 

果てしなく広がった澄み渡る世界 眩しさに目を細め 
雲一つないこの空 飛び廻るから 

無くすものは何も無い 震える指握りしめ 


隠してた感情が悲鳴を上げてる 確かな誓いを手に 
目の前にあるこの空 越えてゆくから 

READ MORE - Lirik Lagu Eir Aoi - INNOCENCE + MP3

Lirik Lagu LiSA - Crossing Field + MP3

Description: Opening
Performed by LiSA
Lyrics & music composition: Watanabe Shou
Music arrangement: Toku

Mitomete ita okubyou na kako
Wakaranai mama ni kowagatte ita

Ushiro no jibun ga genjitsu wo ima ni utsusu

Ikutsu mono sora wo kaita koko wa kitto

Hakanai kokoro midashite

Yume de takaku tonda karada wa
Donna fuan matotte mo furiharatte iku
Nemuru chiisana omoi hirogari dashite
Kizuku yowai watashi kimi ga ireba

Kurai sekai tsuyoku ireta
Nagai yume miru kokoro wa sou eien de

Sagashite ita michibiku hikari
Furereba subete omoidashite
Kakegae no nai taisetsu na ima wo kureru

Me wo toji sekai wo shitta
Sore wa itsumo atatakai no ni itakute

Tsunagu tashika na negai kasanari atte
Mieru mayoi wa ugoki hajimeta
Kimi wo mamoritakute seou kizu wa
Fukai nemuri no naka tadayotta

Kawaranai yakusoku datta
Futari shinjita kizuna wa sou senmei ni

Koe ga todoku made namae wo yonde
Deaeta kiseki kanjitai motto

Yume de takaku tonda karada wa
Donna fuan matotte mo furiharatte iku
Nemuru chiisana omoi hirogari dashite
Kidzuku yowai watashi kimi ga ireba

Kurai sekai tsuyoku ireta
Nagai yume miru kokoro wa sou eien de














English Translation

Even you've confessed to your cowardly past
But acting so scared like you don't understand a thing
Now, your past is being projected into the present

Countless skies I've painted
Surely here is where my heart gets transiently unsettled

Jumping high from your dreams
No matter what sort of anxiety clinging upon you, go ahead and shake it off
Expand and bring out that sleeping, small little thought
I realise that I'm weak and if you're here

You give strength to the darkness of this world
My heart seems to be forever looking at a long dream

The guiding light that I've found
If I touch it, I'll remember everything
And I'll possess an important moment that cannot be replaced

Closing my eyes to the world, I knew
That this is always warm but painful

A connecting, reliable wish overlaps
Hesitation that could be seen starts to move
I want to protect you; The pain that you carry on your back
Drifts around within a deep sleep

This was a promise that cannot be replaced
If two person believed, the bonds would be seemingly clear

Until my voice reaches you, I'll be calling
I wish to feel that miracle of meeting you again once more

Jumping high from your dreams
No matter what sort of anxiety clinging upon you, go ahead and shake it off
Expand and bring out that sleeping, small little thought
I realise that I'm weak and if you're here

You give strength to the darkness of this world
My heart seems to be forever looking at a long dream
READ MORE - Lirik Lagu LiSA - Crossing Field + MP3

Lirik Lagu A flood of circle - Forest Walker + MP3

Description: OVA Opening
by A flood of circle

dare mo fumikomanai kurai mori fukabuka to kigi ga ne wo haru 
okufukaku e sasou you na nakigoe no nushi wa doko da 
kaze mo fukikomanai semai michi kemono ga mori no i wo karu 
hito wa toorenai ga tooranakya mitsukaranai mono ga aru 

kakenukeru kemono michi karada ni ibara ga karamatte 
ashimoto ni mata chi ga shitatatta itami to hikikae ni mae ni 

dare mo fumikomanai kurai mori fukabuka to kigi ga ne wo haru 
ore no otakebi wo osorete haitte kuru mono wa inai 
saru yorya kashikoi ore toiu kemono ga mori no ou ni naru 
dare mo toosanai ga toosanakya deaenai mono mo aru 
mitsukaranai mono ga aru 

tozasareta kono tobira kodoku ni deau koto de wakaru 
kakiwakeru ibara no mukou de iki wo hisomeru no wa dare da 
hateshinai kemono michi itsushika kizu ga fueru tabi 
ashimoto ni kono chi ga koborete yatsura no michi shirushi ni naru 

kakenukeru kemono michi karada ni ibara ga karamatte 
ashimoto no chi wo ima tadotte kemono ga ore wo otte kuru 
bakarashii kono tabi no owari wo shitteru ka no you ni 
chi ni ueta kemono ga yami de bukimi ni naku no ga kikoeru


誰も踏み込まない暗い森 深々と木々が根を張る 
風も吹き込まない狭い道 けものが森の威を借る 
人は通れない が通らなきゃ見つからないものがある 

駆け抜けるけもの道 身体にいばらが絡まって 
足元にまた血が滴った 痛みと引き換えに 前に 

誰も踏み込まない暗い森 深々と木々が根を張る 
俺の雄叫びを恐れて 入ってくるものはいない 
誰も通さない が通さなきゃ出会えないものもある 

閉ざされたこの扉 孤独に出会うことでわかる 
掻き分けるいばらの向こうで 息を潜めるのは誰だ 
果てしないけもの道 いつしか傷が増えるたび 
足元にこの血が零れて 奴らの道標になる 

駆け抜けるけもの道 身体にいばらが絡まって 
足元の血を今辿って けものが俺を追って来る 
血に飢えたけものが闇で 不気味に鳴くのが聴こえる
READ MORE - Lirik Lagu A flood of circle - Forest Walker + MP3

Lirik Lagu Back-On - Chain + MP3

Description: Opening
Artist: Back-On

on top to break the chain no pain  
don't be afraid but kawaranai 
same old days same old ways 
mawari tsuzukeru IT'S OKAY 
kawakikitta koukei 
REPEAT sareta mainichi zutto 
nukedasenai kono houte shiki 
kakono nakade ayatsu rareta PUPPET 
kakikesuno moshika 

I hear you voice

Hakidashite nagesuteta 
rikutsu bakari no hokori 
kanashimi ni hibiku kaze  
jiyuu e to sasou go my way 
saa ikouze  
kusari hazushite 
tsubasa hiroge 
aoi sekai e

Teritsukeru hizashi de ichinichi hajimari 
itsumo doori sunika ni hi mo toshi 
onaji michi nori onaji mi no Story 
I wanna step in da mid makes no deal working 
Hell I know you can't stop me 
hikari wo mitsuketa toki no you ni 
The winds at my back so it's time to fly 
jibun shinji tobitate yo right now!

haiiro ni tsutsumareta 
taiyou wo yobi samasu 
haiboku wo korogashite 
asu eto tsumagu my wish 
saa ikouze  
kusari hazushite 
tsubasa hiroge 
aoi sekai e

[you ready to wake up you gotta fly with us 
you ready to wake up you gotta fly with us 
you ready to wake up you gotta fly with us 
you ready to wake up you gotta fly 
you ready to wake up you gotta fly with us 
Yami ga me o samasu mou hikari sasu 
you ready to wake up you gotta fly with us 
Yami ga me o samasu mou hikari sasu 
you ready to wake up]

saa ikouze  
kusari hazushite 
tsubasa hiroge 
aoi sekai e


Time to break da chain 
no pain don't be afraid 
but 変わらない 
same ol'days same ol'ways. 
回り続ける時計 uh...乾ききった光景 
Can you hear my voice 

はきだして 投げ捨てた 
悲しみに 響く風 自由へとさそう 

さぁ行こうぜ! 鎖はずして! 
翼広げ! 青い世界へ… 

同じ道のり おなじみのstory 
I wanna step in da 未知の領域 
Hell I know you can't stop me 
The winds at my back 
so it's time to fly 
自分信じ飛び立てよ right now! 

灰色に包まれた 太陽を呼び覚ます 
敗北を転がして 明日へと繋ぐ 

さぁ行こうぜ! 鎖はずして! 
翼広げ! 青い世界へ… 

You ready to wake up you gotta fly with us 
闇が目を覚ます もう光差す… 

さぁ行こうぜ! 鎖はずして! 
翼広げ! 青い世界へ…

English Translation

Time to break the chain, no pain 
Don't be afraid but it won't change 
Same ol' days, same ol' ways 
The clock keeps turning, uh... 
A dried up scene 
Repeating everyday 
The formula can't get away from me 
A puppet played with inside a cage 
Erase the noise... 

Can you hear my voice?

Spit it out, throw it away 
The pride of rationality 
The sadness in a howling wind 
Cries out to freedom 
So let's go! 
Throw off these chains! 
Spread your wings! 
Toward a blue world...

The sun beats down on the start of a single day 
As always the laces are straight in my sneakers 
The same journey, a familiar story 
I want to step into unknown territory 
Hell, I know you can't stop me 
Just like when I discovered the light 
The wind's at my back so it's time to fly 
Believe in yourself and take off right now!

Wrapped up in ash grey 
The sun awakens 
Rolling defeat aside 
It latches on to tomorrow 
So let's go! 
Throw off these chains! 
Spread your wings! 
Toward a blue world...

You ready to wake up, you gotta fly with us 
You ready to wake up, you gotta fly with us 
You ready to wake up, you gotta fly with us 
You ready to wake up, you gotta fly 
You ready to wake up, you gotta fly with us 
Awaken the darkness, the light's already shining 
You ready to wake up, you gotta fly with us 
Awaken the darkness, the light's already shining 
You ready to wake up

So let's go! 
Throw off these chains! 
Spread your wings! 
Toward a blue world...
READ MORE - Lirik Lagu Back-On - Chain + MP3

Minggu, 22 September 2013

Chelsea Grin - Indonesia Show

Chelsea Grin, salah satu band death core asal Salt Like City, Utah, Amerika Serikat dikabarkan akan menyambangi Indonesia pada 30 Oktober nanti

tiket dipatok seharga 200rb s/d 350rb

Chelsea Grin - Live in Indonesia - 30 Okt 2013 (tempat msh dlm negosiasi) 

Tiket : early birds (200k) - presale (250k) - at door (350k)

early birds bisa dipesan di :

tunggu update slanjutnya
READ MORE - Chelsea Grin - Indonesia Show

Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

We Are The In Crowd - Better Luck Next Time Lyrics + MP3

Title : Better Luck Next Time
Artist : We Are The In Crowd
Album : Best Intentions [2011]
Genre : Alternative, Pop, Rock
Duration : 02:42

I guess it was wishful to think
I was different from the rest
Now I'm red in the face
I don't think I'm impressed

Miss strong and outspoken
So easily broken
Now I kick myself
I should've know better
Get it together
You can't blame me

Are you listening?

Wrap your lines around another
While you sweet talk to yourself I'd rather leave
You stitched a heart on your sleeve
But I see right through the seams
I knew the coward in you would play the lead

The nights you spent with me
And didn't want to leave
You stayed with me until I fell asleep

All the things I wish I said
Playing back inside my head
It just might be a long shot
You're marching with your eyes shut

Wrap your lines around another
While you sweet talk to yourself I'd rather leave
You stitched a heart on your sleeve
But I see right through the seams
I knew the coward in you would play the lead

All the things I wish I said
Playing back inside my head

It just might be a long shot
You're marching with your eyes shut
It just might be a long shot
You're marching with your eyes shut

Wrap your lines around another
While you sweet talk to yourself I'd rather leave
You've stitched a heart on your sleeve
But I see right through the seams
I knew the coward in you would play the lead
READ MORE - We Are The In Crowd - Better Luck Next Time Lyrics + MP3

We Are The In Crowd - You've Got It Made Lyrics + MP3

Title : You've Got It Made
Artist : We Are The In Crowd
Album : Best Intentions [2011]
Genre : Alternative, Pop, Rock
Duration : 03:42

I can't sleep in my bed anymore.
My home says so little now.
Everyone's gone in mind.
And I paint myself in a corner.

You've got it made.
You've got it made.
You've got it made.
I'd love to be you so I don't have to feel this way.
Tell me are you happy now?
Tell me did it all work out?
It's too late.
It's too late.
But, do you feel the same?

I reach out to you for help.
I see myself in envy or do I admire how happy you are?
Either way I'd walk in your shoes.
But, she fits them better
She fits them better than...

You've got it made.
You've got it made.
You've got it made.
I'd love to be you so I don't have to feel this way.
Tell me are you happy now?
Tell me did it all work out?
It's too late.
It's too late.
But, do you feel the same?
Do you feel the same?

As my life hangs from a string.
And you have grabbed the scissors.
Was it just a summer fling?
As these flowers start to wither.
And no matter what I think.
As you will make decisions.
And I can't even blink cause I lost all my ambitions.

You've got it made.
You've got it made.
You've got it made.
I'd love to be you so I don't have to feel.

You've got it made.
You've got it made.
You've got it made.
I'd love to be you so I don't have to feel this pain.
Tell me are you happy now?
Tell me did it all work out?
It's too late.
It's too late.
But, do you feel the same?

She fits them better than.
She fits them better than me.
Do you feel the same?
READ MORE - We Are The In Crowd - You've Got It Made Lyrics + MP3

We Are The In Crowd - See You Around Lyrics + MP3

Title : See You Around
Artist : We Are The In Crowd
Album : Best Intentions [2011]
Genre : Alternative, Pop, Rock
Duration : 02:59

I got with a girl and started a war.
How could I know she was trouble? Oh.
I thought that I could ignore her.
Now I'm closer, but at least I'm not sleeping alone.

I gave him the world.
Showed him the door.
Now he should know how it feels to go.
I'm broken down on the surface.
I don't deserve this.
It's the last straw now.

Say goodbye to the night.
I'm getting into trouble and dancing with the devil.
If you want to fight.
Well, girl you must be dreaming.
I love to hear you screaming.
Well then I give up if you just stop this whole thing altogether.
You used to be my treasure.
What if I say goodbye for the last time?
I'm closer than you realize.

I traveled the world to forget about the girl.
I could I know she would follow me.
Wherever I go now, I don't how, but he's always there.

Say goodbye to the night.
I'm getting into trouble and dancing with the devil.
If you want to fight.
Well, girl you must be dreaming.
I love to hear you screaming.
Well then I give up if you just stop this whole thing altogether.
You used to be my treasure.
What if I say goodbye for the last time?
I'm closer than you realize.

Tell me how you feel about moving on without me now.
Go on, go on.
Shake it off and hold me down.
I don't want to see you around.

Well then I'll give up if you just stop this whole thing altogether.
You used to be my treasure.

Say goodbye to the night.
I'm getting into trouble and dancing with the devil.
If you want to fight.
Well, girl you must be dreaming.
I love to hear you screaming.
Well then I give up if you just stop this whole thing altogether.
You used to be my treasure.
What if I say goodbye for the last time?
I'm closer than you realize.
READ MORE - We Are The In Crowd - See You Around Lyrics + MP3

We Are The In Crowd - Exits And Entrances Lyrics + MP3

Title : Exits And Entrances
Artist : We Are The In Crowd
Album : Best Intentions [2011]
Genre : Alternative, Pop, Rock
Duration : 03:12

She's like a rock
And I keep
Chipping of a piece to hold onto
And she's got a lot of nerve
Not seeing you the way that I do

We are or we're about to be
So much closer than you thought that we could ever be
Well I'm sorry to say that I gave it away
Well I'm empty
And you're empty

It's none of my business
But I won't be a witness
If I hang on for the ride
I promise I'll crash
Without her there

She's like a rock
And you keep
Chipping off a piece to hold onto
And there's gotta be, gotta be
Something more than this
Than a life full of exits and entrances

I know the way this plays out
But I couldn't find the words to tell you
And you thought that every time
She would never tell a lie
But believing a liar
Is feeding the fire

It's none of your business
But I won't be a witness
No, it's none of your business
But I won't be a witness

She's like a rock and you keep
Chipping off a piece to hold onto
And there's gotta be, gotta be
Something more than this
Than a life full of exits and entrances

Did you get what you wanted?
Cause I couldn't get enough
No I'm back where I started, again

She's like a rock
And you keep
Chipping off a piece, chipping off a piece

(Yeah she's like a rock)

Hang on for the ride

She's like a rock
And you keep
Chipping off a piece
To hold onto
And there's gotta be, gotta be
Something more than this
Than a life full of exits and entrances
READ MORE - We Are The In Crowd - Exits And Entrances Lyrics + MP3

We Are The In Crowd - All Or Nothing Lyrics + MP3

Title : All Or Nothing
Artist : We Are The In Crowd
Album : Best Intentions [2011]
Genre : Alternative, Pop, Rock
Duration : 03:08

Can't you see it's pointless just to argue.
I'm screaming, but I can't break through to you.
If you'd only shut your mouth and listen.
You'd see what you've been missing out on for so long.
Before you change your mind don't you wanna try.
To see all this through someone else's eyes?

Oh, you've never been so wrong.
The struggles only just begun.
It's all or nothing.
Don't spread yourself so thin.
You'll never see me giving in.
It's all of nothing.

In the moment we are living.
Please don't waste the chance we're given this time.
It could be gone in just a minute.
So find your place within it.
Slow down, we have common ground.
Before you change your mind don't you wanna try.
To see all this through someone else's eyes?

Oh, you've never been so wrong.
The struggles only just begun.
It's all or nothing.
Don't spread yourself so thin.
You'll never see me giving in.
It's all of nothing.

I've seen it all before.
Saw you walking out the door.
Just turn around cause nothings over.
Just let your guard fall down.
Keep your head below the clouds.
Here's your wake up call, some needed closer.

It's pointless just to argue.
I'm screaming, but I can't break through to you.

Oh, you've never been so wrong.
The struggles only just begun.
It's all or nothing.
Don't spread yourself so thin.
You'll never see me giving in.
It's all of nothing.
All or nothing.
READ MORE - We Are The In Crowd - All Or Nothing Lyrics + MP3

We Are The In Crowd - On Your Own Lyrics + MP3

Title : On Your Own
Artist : We Are The In Crowd
Album : Best Intentions [2011]
Genre : Alternative, Pop, Rock
Duration : 03:24

This time, you crossed the line
Leaving me in the dark
But I will light the way, without you

This time I realized you could have had my heart
But I'm not going down without you

You were putting on a show, putting on a show
So I'd rather be alone, rather be alone

Take another step and I'll lose it
Sick of hearing all your excuses
Breaking down your walls, breaking down your walls
I'm not waiting for your call, waiting for your call

Say another word and I'll lose it
Everything you do is so useless
Before I have to go, before I have to go
I just wanted you to know, wanted you to know

You're on your own

This time I'll let it slide, not gonna fall apart
I'm alright. Just wait until I get you

I lied when I said that everything was alright
Don't drag this out for another night

Well I should have known that you would move
On and on and on without me

Take another step and I'll lose it
Sick of hearing all your excuses
Breaking down your walls, breaking down your walls
I'm not waiting for your call, waiting for your call

Say another word and I'll lose it
Everything you do is so useless
Before I have to go, before I have to go
I just wanted you to know, wanted you to know

You're on your own

Had me blind up till the end
Then I saw right through it
(Saw right through it)
A dose of your own medicine
So read my lips

You're on your own

Take another step and I'll lose it
Sick of hearing all your excuses
Breaking down your walls, breaking down your walls
I'm not waiting for your call, waiting for your call

Say another word and I'll lose it
Everything you do is so useless
Before I have to go, before I have to go
I just wanted you to know, wanted you to know

You're on your own
READ MORE - We Are The In Crowd - On Your Own Lyrics + MP3

We Are The In Crowd - Kiss Me Again Lyrics + MP3

Title : Kiss Me Again
Artist : We Are The In Crowd
Album : Best Intentions [2011]
Genre : Alternative, Pop, Rock
Duration : 03:31

I gotta say
Something I've been thinkin bout
I can't wait
To lay around with you
And tell you all
The secrets I've been keeping to myself

It's been awhile
Since I've felt butterflies
Do you feel the same way too

If every single second
Could last that much longer
Would you hold me

And kiss me again
Underneath the moonlight
You're more than a friend
I knew it from the first sight

Hold me feel my heartbeat
Put your arms around me

And kiss me again

I've gotta say
I wasn't expecting you
To come this way
And fall into my arms
And now I know
I can't deny this feeling any longer

I close my eyes
I can't stop thinking bout you
Crack a smile
I just can't lose
At a mile-a-minute
My heart beats to the limit
When I'm with you

So kiss me again
Underneath the moonlight
You're more than a friend
I knew it from the first sight

Hold me feel my heartbeat
Put your arms around me

And kiss me again

I can't let you go
Can't let you float away
Cause that would be a mistake
I'm not ready to run
Can't let you go
To waste, no

And kiss me again
Underneath the moonlight
You're more than a friend
I knew it from the first sight

Hold me feel my heartbeat
Put your arms around me

And kiss me again
READ MORE - We Are The In Crowd - Kiss Me Again Lyrics + MP3

We Are The In Crowd - The Worst Thing About Me Lyrics + MP3

Title : The Worst Thing About Me
Artist : We Are The In Crowd
Album : Best Intentions [2011]
Genre : Alternative, Pop, Rock
Duration : 02:43

Does this mean that it's over and done with
I was happy for so long
Let's forget that I always forget
And I'd be happy to move on
But this time I'm not over it

I guess you were always
The worst thing about me
Now I can see that you're not the real thing
You keep me running back, running back
This time it's not ending well
And if you want me now
I'll make your life a living hell

I got away from everything
That made me think of you
And now I'm back again
To prove you wrong

Cause you were right about one thing
I'd be coming back again
But you kept on running away

But this time I'm not over it
No this time I'm not over it

I guess you were always
The worst thing about me
Now I can see that you're not the real thing
You keep me running back, running back
This time it's not ending well
And if you want me now
I'll make your life a living hell

I swear we could have been a sure thing
I'm sorry that I wasn't the one
I hate you for leaving
But you love to walk away

Does this mean that it's over and done with
I was happy, but I was wrong

I guess you were always
The worst thing about me
Now I can see that you're not the real thing
You keep me running back, running back
This time it's not ending well

And if you want me now
I'll make your life a living hell
READ MORE - We Are The In Crowd - The Worst Thing About Me Lyrics + MP3

We Are The In Crowd - This Isn't Goodbye, It's Brb Lyrics + MP3

Title : This Isn't Goodbye, It's Brb
Artist : We Are The In Crowd
Album : Best Intentions [2011]
Genre : Alternative, Pop, Rock
Duration : 03:09

This isn't me
And I hate what we've become
This isn't my life
And I don't know where it went wrong.

Wait and see
We'll figure it out
Then we'll skip this town
You know you're better off with me
We've been broken for so long

So we will drive as far as we know
We've got but one mile to go
This is our fight
We can't break this time
We've got all night

Well giving up is easy.
You play it safe.
You'll be a memory.
Reminding me to learn from my mistakes.
Slow down, keep an eye on what you're after.
Face down with your back to the disaster.
No one ever said we had to change.

So we will drive as far as we know
We've got but one mile to go
This is our fight
We can't break this time
We've got all night

So we will drive as far as we know
We've got but one mile to go
This is our fight
We can't break this time
We've got all night

I take back everything (everything)
This isn't what you think.
We'll go right back to how we were
You got me in knots,
Thinking that this is all you'd hope for.
I'd take it all back.
I'd take it all back.
I'd take it all back.

So we will drive as far as we know
As far as we know
We've got but one mile to go
This our fight
We can't break this time
We've got all night
All night, whoa

So we will drive as far as we know
We've got but one mile to go
This is our fight
We can't break this time
We've got all night
We'll never know
READ MORE - We Are The In Crowd - This Isn't Goodbye, It's Brb Lyrics + MP3